KBookOCR is an easy to use graphical user interface wich allows you to recognize PDF or DJVU books and save it as a text file. Also it allows to recognize images from your scanner too.
Rubuquet+ is out. This is 2 in 1 version of Rubuquet which uses CuneiForm or Tesseract OCR engine for recognition. Now, you don't need to run two different programs for different OCR engines.
This version has the same functionality as a standard edition but it uses Tesseract engine to recognize files. Now you can choose between CuneiForm or Tesseract OCR engine to use with Rubuquet.
Hi guys! If you prefer console more than GUI applications, you should try Rubuquet — Ruby powered script. It has less features than KBookOCR however it was created to provide a simple and fast way to convert PDFs or DJVu-files in TXT.
1.3.1 — preview of scaned pages, some GUI usability improvements
1.4.0 — book pages thumbnails for recognition, batch scanning option
1.4.1 — ability to save the project file to open project next time and continue working from the last saved step